* Astronomy for Beginners: Details HERE *
* Astronomy Outreach: Details HERE *
Click the picture to view our video!
Member benefits include:
Meetings (Epping or ZOOM) with talks by professional and amateur astronomers;
Annual South Pacific Star Party: a real highlight for hundreds of enthusiasts;
Astroimaging group, and other specialist sections;
Our journal UNIVERSE, and also special member prices for astronomical yearbooks.
Observing from two dedicated sites at:
Bowen Mountain, near North Richmond - a dome housing a superb 22" scope (currently suspended);
Ilford, about 3 hours from Sydney - a wonderful dark-sky property.
Missing emails and BigPond Problem
Financial members should receive regular emails. Are you missing out?Observing at Wiruna
Wiruna offers great dark skies, telescopes large and small (no need to bring your own), and beginners' telescope tuition. Members should book with Joe before heading up there. An information booklet can be sent to you if you haven't been before. Logged-in members can click on the link for more information.
Globe at Night
Globe at Night runs monthly campaigns throughout the year. There are six easy steps to help monitor light pollution. They supply charts for you to refer to and it's easy to submit your report. Take the link to their website to take part!Regular Events
Wiruna Arrears Payments
Tue, Oct 01, 03:00PM
For LATE Wiruna Camping Fees and Permanent Site Fees. If you attended Wiruna and want to pay, and th...Astroimaging Meeting
Today, 07:30PM
The agenda and ZOOM link are sent to everyone subscribed to the Astroimaging mailing list in the wee...Committee Meeting
Wed, Feb 19, 07:30PM
These meetings are for committee members only, unless by special request.Universe Deadline
Thu, Feb 20, 10:00PM
To make it into next month's issue, please send submissions to eds(at)asnsw.com by this date.Astroimaging Meeting
Wed, Mar 12, 07:30PM
The agenda and ZOOM link are sent to everyone subscribed to the Astroimaging mailing list in the wee...