Astronomy For Beginners

For people considering membership, the ASNSW offers help for beginners with no experience in astronomy. 

Wiruna is our dark-sky site, about 3-hours' drive from Sydney. Facilities there include:

  • Telescope tuition at Wiruna with telescopes of various sizes and types for visual observing. See images below. These telescopes are owned by the society, so you don't even need your own telescope! 
  • Help with your own telescope - we can advise how to set up and maintain your telescope, and clean your optics if you need to. 
  • Sky tours with our larger telescopes to help you get to know the sky.
  • Lots of general information about observing and why the site is only open on new-Moon weekends.
  • A library with reference books and star catalogues. 
  • Accommodation for members in bunk rooms and a small house - camping areas are available if you bring your own camping gear.

Closer to the city, the Society has Ordinary Meetings at the Epping Creative Centre. Visitors are always welcome. 

The Society also has a strong public outreach component which beginners are welcome to get involved with. 

If you are interested in astroimaging (AI), the Society has a strong AI group that holds regular ZOOM meetings. Find out how to join the AI mailing list HERE

Check out our online materials for beginners at Introduction to Astronomy Online (I2AO).


Beginners' telescopes for use at Wiruna - a small refractor on an equatorial mount, a Dobsonian and a "Goto" telescope. 

  finding level  line up finder  

  align to north