Categories and Fees

The Astronomical Society of New South Wales welcomes people from across the world to become new members, whether young or old, novice or expert, amateur or professional, and people who have never even looked through a telescope. The Society currently has over 350 members from across the country and around the world.

  • 1. Full Member
  • 2. Associate Member
  • 3. Student Member
  • 4. Life Member
  • 5. Honorary Member

Details of these membership categories are as follows:

  • FULL membership entitles the member to voting rights (at Annual General Meetings and Special General Meetings) and access to all Public and Member areas of the ASNSW website and all ASNSW functions and facilities (subject to accreditation procedures).
  • ASSOCIATE membership is available to any person who is the spouse, partner or dependant child (person under 18) living at the same residential address (family home) as a Full member. Upon application, an Associate member needs to provide the name of the Full member with whom they are associated. Associate members are entitled to all the rights of a Full member with the exception of voting rights and use of the online Chat Rooms. If any Associate member leaves the family home, they must take out separate Student or Full membership (as applicable). This may be done at the commencement of the next financial year. There will be no joining fee imposed for this transfer and the date of joining will be deemed to be the date that the Associate member first joined.
  • STUDENT membership is only available to a person who is less than 18 years of age or is a full-time student at a school, university, college or other tertiary institution. Upon application, a Student member must supply their age and educational institution. Student membership entitles the member to all the rights of an Associate member. Upon turning 18 years old or ceasing full-time study, Student membership transitions to Associate membership until the next renewal date, at which time the member will qualify and be expected to pay for Full membership.
  • HONORARY membership entitles the member to all the rights of full membership except voting rights if, at the time of being accepted as an Honorary member, the person did not have voting rights. Honorary membership is assigned by the committee. Honorary members do not pay the annual subscription. 
  • LIFE membership entitles the member to all the rights of full membership, including full voting rights. Life membership may be awarded by the association at a special general meeting in recognition of a member’s outstanding service to the association. Life members are not be required to pay the annual membership subscription, but are required to renew annually. The annual renewal allows for payment of other membership products including fees for Permanent Wiruna Sites and payments for related Full, Associate and Student members.
  • New members pay a one-off joining fee of $20.
  • Annual subscription rates are below.
  • During the first year of membership, the period of coverage is from the joining date to 31 December.
  • Renewing memberships expire on 31 December each year and renewals fall due on 1 January. 
  • New members who join in the final quarter (Oct-Dec) get the following year included in the first subscription.
  • There is a grace period of three months in the Constitution, after which time expired memberships will lapse and you will need to pay another joining fee to continue your membership.
  • Note that additional Membership Products will become unavailable 30 days after membership expiry (making it harder for you to pay for related members and Wiruna sites). 
  • Additional fees are levied for the use of Wiruna and maintenance of a permanent site at Wiruna.
  • No refunds are payable for cancellations of membership at any time during the current subscription year. 
Membership Type Digital Universe Printed / posted Universe
Full Member $52 $95
Associate Member $26 $69
Student Member $26 $69
Overseas members As above N/A


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