
The ASNSW's Observing Facilities are available for all ASNSW Members to use when an accredited person is on site to supervise. A system of accreditation has been implemented for the use of some facilities outside of normal scheduled observing sessions, and only accredited members may use these facilities at these times, unless accompanied by an accredited member.

Accreditation For Crago Observatory

  1. Full Members of at least twelve (12) months standing can become accredited;
  2. A member who wishes to become accredited must be trained by an accredited member and approved by the Vice President Crago.
  3. A person wishing to become accredited must attend Crago Observatory for opening and closing at least three (3) times in the year preceding their application for accreditation;
  4. To achieve accreditation, a member must show proficiency in being able to handle all aspects of the observatory's functions;
  5. To retain accreditation, a member must use the observatory at least three (3) times per year;
  6. Accredited members are expected to assist with the last quarter public observings sessions, at least once per year;
  7. An accredited member must obtain the keys from Vice President Crago and return the keys immediately after use;
  8. The Observatory building is not to be opened when strong winds are present;
  9. Due to ongoing upgrades to the facilities and telescope at Crago Observatory (2021), all members who currently hold accreditation will need to have their accreditation updated as per these guidelines.

Accreditation for Wiruna Facilities and Telescopes

There are separate accreditation requirements for various parts of the Wiruna site:

  • lower camp ground;
  • main area with amenities including hot and cold running water, flush toilets and showers, and gas stoves; and
  • Barry Gerdes Lodge.

There are separate accreditation requirements for the Wiruna telescopes:

  • The 17½" telescope and enclosure;
  • The 25" telescope and enclosure; and
  • other telescopes on site.

Regulars at Wiruna should enquire with the Vice-President, Wiruna, or other committee member regarding accreditation.

Members wishing to gain accreditation for the use of any of these facilities are invited to email the committee for further details and to book a time and date for an accreditation session.

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