Wiruna Usage Policies
All attendees at Wiruna must abide by these prohibitions, policies and recommendations.
Prohibited at Wiruna all the times, including at the Star Party
- Pets and Animals: Not permitted at Wiruna under any circumstances.
- Loud music and Noise
- Use headphones if you wish to listen while observing. Others do not wish to hear it.
- Keep general noise to a minimum in all areas at night and until midday the next day. People may be sleeping.
- Rockets, flares, fireworks and any other incendiary devices: The fire danger at Wiruna is very real at all times of year. It is also important that uncontrolled devices do not stray onto neighbouring property.
Also Prohibited at the Star Party
- Drones, model aeroplanes or any other device that may drift over people or neighbouring property. Refer also to the ASNSW Drones Policy.
- Smoking of cigars and pipes on the Main Observing Field.
Additional Policies and Recommendations
- The Wiruna Light Use Policy applies at all times, including regular scheduled weekends throughout the year.
- Speed Limit: All vehicles (including motor vehicles, bicycles and scooters) must proceed at speed NO FASTER THAN WALKING PACE (5 km/h) whilst within the grounds of Wiruna. All zones are considered shared with pedestrians.
- Consumption of Alcohol: Members and visitors should ensure that consumption of alcohol does not reach such excess as to affect others on site or cause damage to any equipment.
- Storage
- The ASNSW storage shed is ONLY to be used with permission from VP Wiruna.
- Any goods left there should be clearly labelled with your name and contact phone number.
- The shed is NOT there for everyone's convenience to leave random old stuff in there indefinitely.
- Unidentifiable property may be disposed of without notice.
- Installations: Refer "Piers, Sheds and Observatories at Wiruna".