1. Getting Everything set up on Site

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Note that these duties need to be carried out on the Thursday of the Star Party.
If you are not planning to arrive till the Friday or Saturday, please do not volunteer for any of these duties. Go back to the Volunteering Index and pick something else.

a) Electrics for the Check-In Desk, Pavilion and Image Processing Pit

  1. Run one long power lead to outside from one of the power points above the Solar Battery system in the Breezeway. It can be strung up to the rafter in the breezeway using double-sided velcro ties.
  2. Run this lead into the closest corner of the Pavilion.
  3. Attach a four-way power board to the lead and fasten up high in the pavilion.
  4. Plug in a short power lead to feed into the Check-In Tent.
  5. Mount the TV in this corner and plug it in.
  6. Plug in another lead to feed another power board, and mount it further along the end wall (behind the Astroimaging Comp panels).
  7. The second power board is to supply lights for the Astroimaging Competition photos and flexible red rope lights for the Pavilion. Loop the rope lights through the rings used for the side curtains.
  8. Use 2 power boards at the Check-In Desk.
  9. The scouts run their own lights direct from the generator.
  10. Set up the Image Processing Pit that backs onto the Check-In Tent.
    This will involve running power in and having power boards and an i-charging depot available on the tables.

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b) Power for the Meeting Hall and Throwing the Earth Switch

  1. Locate the 15 amp lead, with a large earth pin.
    Run this lead from the generator and plug it in to the socket on the outside of the Meeting Hall between the water tank and the roller door. Then the generator will switch over automatically when it starts, providing power to the Meeting Hall and power points in the Breezeway.
  2. The earth-to-neutral link has a switch above the power box above the PA rack.
    The "NORMAL" setting, switch to the right, is for most of the year when no generator is connected (or when using a generator that does NOT have earth leakage).
    For the Star Party, remove the twist tie and flick the switch to the left when the hired generator is plugged into the socket on the outside of the Meeting Hall.

IMPORTANT NOTES: If the switch is not in the correct position, the generator will likely trip the earth-leakage circuit, thus stopping the generator. When the switch is to the left, the generator must stay plugged in, even when not running.

If the main batteries go flat, it is possible to connect the society's small generator to the Recharging Station.

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c) Power for the Recharging Station near the Roller Door

  1. Set up tables under/near the external power points on the outside of the Meeting Hall.
  2. Collect the box of leads marked "Recharging Station" from the Breezeway.
  3. At the external power points, plug in the leads with four single outlets that allow a better separation of power boards.
  4. Connect additional power boards as required. There should be sufficient in the box.
  5. Obtain some pens, sticky labels and a sign from the Check-In Desk so that users can label their equipment. Leave these on the table.

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d) Testing the Projector

  1. Remove projector from short cabinet and slide into mount below ceiling using tall steps.
  2. Connect power, HDMI (white comp 2 socket) and VGA (blue comp 1 socket) cables.
  3. Turn on the physical switch on the back of the projector.
  4. Connect a laptop via suitable socket to the left of the projector screen. Leads are in short cabinet.
  5. Get out the white remote that is kept in the cupboard to the left of the projector screen.
  6. Use the remote to turn the projector on. The green light should illuminate.
  7. Wait and see if the projector receives signal from the laptop automatically.
  8. Ensure that a picture is visible on the laptop.
  9. If it remains on blue screen with “No signal”, try this. On the laptop keyboard, hold the Windows key and press “P” to bring up projector options on a Windows machine. Select “Duplicate”.
  10. If you still can’t get a picture, bring this to the attention of the AV technician (Peter Moore if available).

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e) Turning on the Sound System

  1. Fit new batteries to radio mics, AA and 9 volt batteries will be required. Use the Blue AA if available.
  2. For the hand mic, the lower case screws off, the lapel and head-worn have a sliding panel.
    Avoid using the lapel mic. Its batteries should last 6 hours. Spares are in its case.
  3. Turn on the power for the amplifiers and radio mic receivers. There is a power board above the rack.
    Each unit may have a power switch as well. With any luck it is all on. Check for these settings:
    1. There is a blue light on the amplifier.
    2. The TOA radio mic receiver says "1".
    3. The Orange Dot wireless tuner says "B1-4 ...".
    4. The volumes are set to the various marks.
    5. L.H. SQ is OFF (7 o'clock position).
    6. The lapel mic will have an ANT light illuminated when the mic is on.
  4. There is fixed mic for general messages.
  5. Check volume by activating each mic in turn, mics are individually adjustable.
    On the right-hand-side of the control is a master control that makes the volume louder for all inputs.
    If the system squeals, the only solution is to turn the volume down for the input causing the problem.
    Just turn down (rotate top to left) enough to stop the squeal.
  6. The switches for the different speakers are the push buttons across the top of the rack.
    For general messages, all labelled buttons should be in.
    For presentations have Front, Rear and Tent on. (IN is ON.)
    1. Front are the speakers closest to the screen.
    2. Rear are the speakers closer to the Breezeway end.
    3. Field are the speakers on the water tower.
    4. Tent is the speaker in the Breezeway pointing to the Pavilion.
    5. Roller is the speaker near the roller door that Peter connects for the Lucky Prize Draw.

The projector screen has a black plug in the power point below the power box. Use the screen remote to operate. There is a manual screen control, which is a black box mounted on the left of the column above the power box. Use a white torch to find the invisible dots to press for moving the screen up and down.

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f) Tables for the Scouts

The Hire company will have left 19 tables in the Pavilion. Five of these need to be reserved for the Scouts.
Arrange three of these against the walls in their cooking area (one on the end and two against the half-wall), one goes against the Pavilion wall at the open (caravan) end of their area and one goes across the opening. Ensure that there is a gap where people can get into our out of the Scouts area from the eating area. Four tables are needed in the Check-In Tent and four may be placed in the Processing Pit.

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g) Setting up the Tea & Coffee Station

  1. This can be done in time for Thursday lunch time, although the Scouts will not arrive with fresh milk and ice until Friday.
  2. The URN should be set up in the Lounge (next to Bush Kitchen) with a couple of tables along the wall.
  3. Obtain water from the deep sink in the Bush Kitchen using a bucket.
  4. Fill the urn to ¾ capacity (or half if there is an urgent need to heat the water quickly).
  5. Set up coffee, sugar, tea, stirrers and cups. Dry supplies are kept in the Store Room (bunkhouse alcove) on the left-hand-side in boxes marked Sugar, Tea Bags, Stirrers.
    Tins of coffee should be just on the shelf. Foam cups are in a large carton.
    Put out Longlife milk if available.
    Put out some serviettes or a roll of paper towel (right-hand-side of alcove) on the table.
  6. Ask the Scouts (please) for milk and ice and set these up in a foam box on the table. The milk doesn’t need to be completely covered as the weather in May is usually cool and a two-litre bottle may not last a whole day. We run a tab with the Scouts - just tell them what it is for.
  7. Put the rubbish bin with a black plastic liner bag in it adjacent to the table. Black garbage bags are kept in the Store Room (bunkhouse alcove) on the right-hand-side in a box on the bottom right shelf.
    Note that some bags don't fit the wide-diameter bin.
  8. Leave three tubes of cups in the plastic basket, open side down and tear the “top” off the plastic bag to expose the outside base of the first cup (thus people are not touching the lips of other people’s cups when they get theirs).
  9. Connect a gas cylinder if not already done. See Joe if you can’t find one.
  10. Use the three burners when first starting up. Note that the taps open AWAY from the urn.
    Use a piece of paper to light the burners - a twisted serviette works as a taper – if you can't locate a gas flame lighter. You need to insert the paper or lighter from underneath to reach the gas. If you start by lighting the centre burner, you will hear the ignition “pop” when you turn on each of the other burners.
  11. Once the water is boiling (it takes about an hour), use only the centre burner by turning the 2 outside taps off. Keep topped up once below ½ capacity. Every half bottle of milk is a guide.
    Some helpers like to have it half full and top up when at ¼ capacity.
  12. Use a flat plastic conduit cover to check the level. Dip this into the water, taking care not to have it in contact with the base of the urn for more than a moment. Lift it out and you should be able to angle it to the light to see the water level. The “stick” from 2015 may still be there with markings showing the top of the urn and the recommended water level.
  13. Once set up and water is hot, make an announcement over the PA to advise people that the Tea & Coffee Station is now operational (and they may need to bring their own milk on Thursday).

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h) Putting up the Signs and the Check-In Tent Banner

We have the following laminated signs to be erected in appropriate places.

Places to put them:

  • Outside wall of the Check-In Tent (use gaff tape)
  • Outside wall of the Pavilion (near the door, use gaff tape)
  • Noticeboard in the Breezeway (use pins)
  • Inside and outside the toilet blocks (use gaff tape)
  • On the table or wall at the recharging station (use gaff tape, also leave a couple of sheets of sticky labels there)
  • Some unlaminated copies of price lists may be taped to the Check-In Desk in plastic sleeves.

Check the reverse of the signs which should have written on them where the signs are normally placed.
There may be more of some signs than the quantities shown below.

  • 1 x A3 laminated program for outside the Rego Tent (new one each year)
  • 2 x A4 programs for the Noticeboard and Rego Desk (on paper, new each year)
  • 1 x Lost Property
  • 3 x Participants must be in attendance to claim Lucky Prize Draw prizes
  • 3 x Children under 8 do not go in Lucky Prize Draw, children under 12 do not vote in the Astroimaging Competition
  • 3 x Please take your recyclables home with you
  • 3 x WARNING! Lost or missing Lucky Prize Draw tickets or Astroimaging voting tickets will not be replaced.
  • 2 x Ladies Femmes Donne Chicks
  • Ladies Toilet notices re not putting naughties down the toilet (several)
  • 4 x Please keep shower time to a minimum ...
  • 2 x Have you left this facility in the way you would wish to find it?
  • 4 x (small) To maintain hot water flow ...
  • 3 x Check-In Desk Hours
  • 3 x ASNSW Apparel Prices
  • 3 x ASNSW South Pacific Star Party Prices
  • 2 x Toilet & Shower Cleaning
  • 2 x Recharging Station
  • 2 x Gents Toilets and Showers
  • 2 x Ladies Toilets and Showers (one says access at other end)
  • 3 individual Rego Desk Procedures and FAQ to be mounted inside the Tent where Volunteers can use them for easy reference.
  • ... and maybe some others. You’ll figure it out.

There is also a banner to hang on the outside of the Check-In Tent. The banner is kept under the bunk bed in the first or second bunk room. There should be ropes with the banner.
Hang the banner facing the Main Observing Field.

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i) Mirrors for the Outside Sinks

There are three mirrors kept on the top right shelf of the store room. These should be placed on the hooks above the outside sinks at the end of the Ladies’ amenities block for the duration of the SPSP.
They should be put back in the store room at the completion of the SPSP.

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j) Positioning and Maintaining Safety Lighting (all areas)

Collect a quantity of red key-chain lights from the Check-In Desk. Before dark on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, install lights anywhere appropriate - on gangways, guy ropes, posts, signs and other obstructions that will be hard to see in the dark. The lights should be turned on.

The next morning, turn off the lights to preserve the batteries for the whole weekend.

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k) Setting up the Check-In Desk

  1. The floor mat should be placed into the rear corners and pegged in place, leaving the small uncovered strip of ground at the front under the desks.
  2. Set up two desks (across the front, about 30cm back from where the wall will be when closed), four tables (ends and rear) and the clothing rack (stored in the Meeting Hall or Recharging Station - can fit between an end table and a rear table). The desk drawers should have desk supplies in them.
  3. Use the perspex document stand for Programs and ASNSW Membership Application Forms.
  4. Tape copies of the price lists (apparel price list and full price list) to the desk in plastic sleeves.
  5. Allocate drawers in the desks:
    1. one drawer for cash
    2. one drawer for the yellow credit card tidy file
    3. one drawer for spare ID cards in case of emergencies
  6. Allocate clip boards:
    1. Registered Participants List
    2. Sales List
  7. Get out blue and black biros, green and blue highlighters.
  8. Set up the pre-registered participant envelopes in two boxes.
    1. One box is for "no T-shirts"
    2. One is for "with T-shirts".
  9. T-shirts that have been pre-ordered MUST be separated from stock for sale.
  10. Also separate T-shirts allocated to Scouts and sponsors.
  11. Envelopes should have the ID cards etc. already enclosed.
  12. Allocate the red torches to the envelopes (one for each registered participant).
  13. Set up an area for Lost Property and place the Lost Property Book there.
  14. Familiarise yourself with the procedures on the laminated procedure cards.

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l) Setting up the Apparel
  1. Find the clothing rack, usually left somewhere in the Meeting Hall.
  2. Move the rack to the Check-In Tent.
  3. Apparel is stored in a locked cupboard in the Meeting Hall. See Lesa or Rita for a key.
    Some overflow apparel may be in cases near the cupboard.
  4. Sort the garments into type and size.
  5. Hang one of each size of each garment on the clothing rack as “try-ons”.
  6. Separate the pre-sold T-shirts from the stock T-shirts for the current year.
  7. Extra garments and signs can be displayed using tape, string and hangers along the back walls of the Check-In Tent.

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m) Setting up and Maintaining the Pit Toilets

  1. Ensure that the lights are working from the solar panel and batteries.
    Report any issues to Joe if not working.
  2. Fill drums with water from the tap at the back of the Gents Amenities Block.
  3. Place the drums in position at the Pit Toilets so that people have hand-washing water.
    You will need a vehicle to do this.
  4. Place the sign on or near the water drums: "Hand-washing water only. For general water supplies, please go to tap behind the Gents Amenities Block." Laminated signs will be available at the Check-In Desk.
  5. Check the water supply during the day on Friday and Saturday. Refill as needed.

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n) Putting out the Fireplaces

Get the fireplaces from next to the ASNSW club shed and distribute the fireplaces at the bottom end of the lower camping ground. The idea is that they are far from the observing field so that light and smoke will not interfere with telescopes and observing.

o) Star posts and bunting around Emergency Assembly Area

Obtain star posts from the top Observatory Road corner of the observing field and install around the Emergency Assembly Area. The whomper to drive in the star posts is kept in the ASNSW storage shed.

A roll of orange-flag bunting is kept in the Bunk Room Alcove. The purpose is to keep the area clear in case of Emergency, allow space for the group photo and provide access in case a big truck needs to get close to the Meeting Hall (prizes, stall-holder stock or maintenance issues).

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