WWW Links
Weather | Projects, Missions & Research | Vendors & Products (Australia and International) | Solar System Tools | Photos & Images | Miscellaneous Stuff | Star Parties, Events and Tours | News
Weather Resources
- Clear Outside: http://clearoutside.com/forecast/-32.97/149.85 (set your own lat and long or select location from drop-down menu)
- SpaceWeather.com: https://spaceweather.com/
- Australian Severe Weather: http://www.australiasevereweather.com/
- Australian Bureau Of Meteorology: http://www.bom.gov.au/
- Yahoo! Weather Service for Australia: https://au.news.yahoo.com/weather
- SkippySky Astronomy Weather Forecast: http://www.skippysky.com.au/Australia/
- WeatherZone - The Site for Weather Freaks: https://www.weatherzone.com.au
Projects / Missions / Research
- SETI@home: https://setiathome.ssl.berkeley.edu
- SETI Institute: https://seti.org
- SETI Australia: http://www.spaceacademy.net.au/intell/auseti.htm
- NASA Science: https://science.nasa.gov/
- Project Galileo: https://solarsystem.nasa.gov/missions/galileo/overview/
- Globe at Night: https://www.globeatnight.org/
- The Hubble Site: https://hubblesite.org/
- ESO Digitised Sky Survey: http://archive.eso.org/dss/dss
- STScI Digitized Sky Survey: https://stdatu.stsci.edu/cgi-bin/dss_form
- Zooniverse Space Research: https://www.zooniverse.org/projects?discipline=astronomy&page=1&status=live
- Multimission Archive at STScI: https://archive.stsci.edu
- Swinburne Astronomy Online: https://www.swinburne.edu.au/courses/find-a-course/science/astronomy/
- The Gemini 8m Telescopes Project: http://www.gemini.edu/
- Canberra Deep Space Communication Complex: https://www.cdscc.nasa.gov/
- Astronomy at Macquarie University: https://www.mq.edu.au/research/research-centres-groups-and-facilities/secure-planet/centres/research-centre-for-astronomy-astrophysics-and-astrophotonics
Vendors / Astronomy Products
- AstroBuySell: https://www.astrobuysell.com/au/
- SDM Telescopes: http://www.sdmtelescopes.com.au/
- Quasar Publishing: https://www.quasarastronomy.com.au
- AstroVisuals Australia: https://astrovisuals.com/
- Deep Sky Instruments: http://www.deepskyinstruments.com/
- Testar (Astronomy Specialist): https://www.testar.com.au/
- The Binocular and Telescope Shop: https://www.bintel.com.au
- OZScopes - Telescopes and Binoculars: https://www.ozscopes.com.au/
- 3RF (Three Rivers Foundation) Australia: https://3rf.com.au/
- Obsession Telescopes: https://www.obsessiontelescopes.com/
- Astronomy Stock Photography: https://www.canstockphoto.com/images-photos/astronomy.html
- Santa Barbara Instruments Group (SBIG): https://diffractionlimited.com/diffraction-cameras/
- Astronomy Graphics & Digital Photographs: http://www.fotosearch.com/photos-images/galaxy.html
- Three Rivers Foundation for the Arts and Sciences: https://www.3rf.org
Solar System
- RASNZ Occultation Page: http://www.occultations.org.nz/
- Lunar and Planetary Laboratory: https://www.lpl.arizona.edu/
- International Meteor Organization (IMO): https://www.imo.net
- The International Comet Quarterly (ICQ) Comet Information Website: http://www.icq.eps.harvard.edu/icq.html
Astronomical Photos and Images
- Overlapping Galaxies: http://pages.astronomy.ua.edu/white/pairs/individual.html
- Galaxy Cluster Mug Shots: http://pages.astronomy.ua.edu/white/mug/cluster/clusters.html
- The Hubble Space Telescope: https://www.stsci.edu/communications-and-outreach
- Clear Skies - P-M Hedén (Sweden): https://www.clearskies.se
- National Space Science Data Centre: https://nssdc.gsfc.nasa.gov/photo_gallery/
- Astrophotography by Jerry Lodriguss: https://www.astropix.com/
- Astroimaging Gallery – Greg Priestley: https://www.astroimaging.gallery/
- NASA's Astronomy Picture Of The Day: https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/archivepix.html
- Australian Weather Satellite images (Bureau of Meteorology): http://www.bom.gov.au
Miscellaneous Astronomy Resources
- Solitaire: https://solitaired.com/ (various card games with a "Space" deck of celestial images and a "Who2" deck of Heroes of Space and Flight)
- Telescopius: https://telescopius.com/ (the sky tonight - observing suggestions, Moon phase, etc.)
- Night Sky Info: http://www.nightskyinfo.com/
- Quasar Publishing: https://www.quasarastronomy.com.au
- The Evening Sky Map: http://www.skymaps.com
- Telescopes & Astronomy: http://www.telescopes-astronomy.com.au/
- Carl Koppeschaar's AstroNet: https://carlkop.home.xs4all.nl/astroeng.html
- Syzygy Research and Technology: http://www.syz.com
- International Dark-Sky Association: https://www.darksky.org/
- Richard Berry's Cookbook Camera Homepage: http://wvi.com/~rberry/
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA): https://www.nasa.gov/
The yearbook published by Quasar Publishing carries up-to-date information about all Australian Amateur Astronomical Societies, as well as all public-access Observatories and other Places of Astronomical Interest. The yearbook, titled "Astronomy 20XX" (XX for relevant year) may be purchased by ASNSW members, at a discount to RRP, with membership renewal.
National and International Star Parties, Events and Tours
- Events in Australia: National Events & News
- Texas Star Party, Prude Ranch, Fort Davis, TX, USA: https://texasstarparty.org/
- Annual RTMC Astronomy Expo, Camp Oakes, Riverside, CA, USA: http://rtmcastronomyexpo.org/
- Trans-Tasman Symposia on Occultations, Wellington, New Zealand: http://www.occultations.org.nz/
- Astronomical Headlines: http://www.cbat.eps.harvard.edu/Headlines.html
- IceInSpace News Forum: http://www.iceinspace.com.au/
- Universe Today: Space news from around the Internet, updated every weekday: https://www.universetoday.com/