Ordinary Meetings & AGM

The ASNSW holds Ordinary Meetings in most months, on Friday evenings nearest Full Moon. Each Ordinary Meeting will have a guest speaker who is a professional astronomer or other qualified specialist discussing leading-edge developments in astronomy, or members may offer presentations of a varied nature (general interest or recent activities). We maintain a list of Past Guest Speakers.

  • The Annual General Meeting is normally held in August each year.
  • The talk at the October or November Ordinary Meeting is usually designated "The Gordon Patston Memorial Lecture" in honour of our founder.
  • The Astroimaging Section meets separately, with meeting information on the Astroimaging Meetings page (ZOOM meetings only).

From the 13 May 2022 meeting onwards, Ordinary Meetings will resume at the ECC (details below) and will ALSO be live-streamed using ZOOM.

If you haven't attended a ZOOM meeting yet, there are basic instructions here: How to use Zoom


Some of the talks from meetings since 2020 have been recorded. Logged-in members may access the talks at Recordings from Ordinary Meetings.

Notes to Guest Speakers 

  1. Our meeting hall at Epping Creative Centre is equipped with a data projector (HDMI connection available), loudspeakers and projection screen for use when in-person meetings are held.
  2. The performance of the system and the quality of the ZOOM recording cannot be guaranteed unless the presenter: 
    1. Connects to the ASNSW WiFi at the ECC; and 
    2. Connects to the ASNSW Ordinary Meeting via ZOOM. "Share Screen" should be used during the presentation until question time, when sharing can be stopped.
      There is a laminated card that can be given to the presenter with the necessary details.  
  3. Most meetings are hybrid meetings, with participants on ZOOM as well as in the room. REMOTE PARTICIPANTS WILL NOT SEE A LASER POINTER ON THE SCREEN. If you wish to direct the viewer to something particular on a slide, either use the mouse on your laptop to point to it or highlight it with an arrow or circle in your presentation. 
  4. In line with our Anti-Discrimination and Harassment Policy, we have to stipulate that your presentation should not include any content that may cause offence to anyone in the audience.
  5. Meetings are routinely recorded. Please CONFIRM, when you are booked to speak, if we have permission to record your presentation, or advise the meeting host at the start of the meeting if you do NOT wish to have your presentation recorded. 

Photo and Video Disclaimer
Please note that photographs and video footage may be taken at any ASNSW event (meetings, lunches, dinners, star parties, outreach events, etc.). These may be used by the ASNSW in our publications, on our website, and in social media. Please decline to have your photo taken if you do not want it published. 

Meeting Hall Detailseccbuilding

Epping Creative Centre
26 Stanley Rd
Epping NSW

There is ample parking with car parks in front of, beside and behind the meeting hall. The venue is wheelchair accessible.

Click here for our complete Events Schedule!

Click here for a List of Past Guest Speakers