Photo Acknowledgements
Photo Galleries
The photo galleries accessed from the "Resources" main menu and filter box don't show the photographers' names. Here, you can determine the sources or photographers for images in bulk galleries, as well as images used throughout the website.
ASNSW Events
Photographers for Star Parties, Christmas Parties and the 60th Anniversary Dinner were:
- SPSP 18 2010: Photos by Greg Priestley
- ASNSW Christmas Party 2010: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 19 2011: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 20 2012: Photos by Greg Priestley
- ASNSW Christmas Party 2012: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 21 2013: Photos by Greg Priestley
- ASNSW Christmas Party 2013: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 22 2014: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 23 2015: Photos by Greg Priestley
- 60th Anniversary Dinner: Photos by Chris Douglass
- ASNSW Christmas Party 2015: Photos by Chris Douglass
- SPSP 24 2016: Photos by Chris Douglass
- SPSP 25 2017: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 25 2017 - Milky Way Portraits: Photos by Greg Priestley
- SPSP 26 2018: Photos by Brad Le Broque, Night photos by Adriano Massatani
- SPSP 27 2019: Photos by Brad Le Broque
Home Page Slideshow
Individual photographers are credited on the images. The complation of multiple astroimages (photos and a couple of sketches) that appears on one slide includes images by:
- Marc Aragnou
- Joe Cauchi
- Chris Douglass
- Kym Haines
- David Hough
- Richard Jaworski
- Niall McNeill
- Carlos Orue
- Greg Priestley
- Harry Roberts
- David Samuel
- Geoff Smith
- Rodney Watters
The Image on the Navigation Bar (main menu)
This image is Hubble's High-Definition Panoramic View of the Andromeda Galaxy from 2015. Details here:
Images on Other Pages
- The Articles by Members contain a number of original images by the authors, or are referenced to their sources. Please refer to the individual pages for those details. Some other individual pages also contain images that are individually referenced to their sources.
- The I2AO pages contain countless images from online sources, each individually acknowledged.
The ASNSW is grateful to all these people and sources for the use of their images on this website.
If you feel that there is something on this website that has gone without proper acknowledgement, please contact the Treasurer who is also the Site Administrator (if you are a member) or use the feedback form at "Contact Us" if you are a non-member, and any relevant details that you can supply will be added to this website.