Index to UNIVERSE Issues Sep 2011 to Jul 2021

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  1. You can use the "Search Site" tool - click on the magnifier next to the search box > Advanced > Check the "Document Library" check-box and enter your key word to generate a list of links to web pages and issues based on key words. Unfortunately, this does not search the PDF files themselves, only the descriptors that are included for the more recent issues (current decade). Click on the link to go direct to the issue, ... OR
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Past Issue Descriptors

Universe Jul 2021 Vol 70 #07: Publication date : 01 July 2021
* Covers by Bernie & Eddie Bernard and Chi Chan * The July Observer by Geoff Smith * Comets for July by Greg Bryant * Norfolk Island Astronomy Tour * Wiruna Snow! Images by Jeff Portelli, Lesa Moore & Greg Priestley * AGM Notice & Call for Nominations * More Total Lunar Eclipse Images by Eddie Bernard and Marc Aragnou * Crago Refurbishment: Images by Paul Hatchman * ASNSW Website News * Constellations of the Month: Ophiuchus and Serpens (2,986.5 Kb)
Universe Jun 2021 Vol 70 #06: Publication date : 01 June 2021
* Covers and content - Total Lunar Eclipse Images galore! * The June Observer by Geoff Smith * Comets for June by Greg Bryant * Omega Centauri by Harry Roberts * How Luny Will You Go? by David Hough * NGC 2516: Southern “Fishers” by Harry Roberts * Observing feature: Planetary Nebulae (2,412.2 Kb)
Universe May 2021 Vol 70 #05: Publication date : 01 May 2021
* Cover image NGC 3621 by Joe Cauchi * The May Observer by Geoff Smith * Learning Astroimaging Part 11 Basic Image Processing by Kym Haines * Comets for May by Greg Bryant * Jovian Satellite Mutual Events by Chris Douglass * NACAA 2022 by David O’Driscoll * Total Lunar Eclipse by Chris Wyatt * Omega Centauri by Kym Haines * New Science Museum by Jacob Grossbard * Valete: Wendy Pawlutschenko and Michael Collins * Constellation of the Month: Centaurus (3,005.4 Kb)
Universe Apr 2021 Vol 70 #04: Publication date : 01 April 2021
* Cover image Omega Centauri by David Samuel * The April Observer by Geoff Smith * If you knew SUSI by Lesa Moore * Know Your ASNSW Website Part 8 by Lesa Moore * Talking again to Voyager 2 by Jacob Grossbard * AR12786: Synoptic Evolution by Harry Roberts * Comets for April by Greg Bryant * Tebbutt’s Observatory Surrounded by Water * Learning Astroimaging Part 10c Matching Camera to Telescope by Kym Haines * Member News, Crago Corner * Constellation of the Month: Hydra (2,468.3 Kb)
Universe Mar 2021 Vol 70 #03: Publication date : 01 March 2021
* Cover images: Crago Observatory * The March Observer by Geoff Smith * What's Happening at Crago? by Don Whiteman & Paul Hatchman * A Not So Dark Tale On Dark Matter by Anwesha Sahu * Comet for March by Greg Bryant * Know Your ASNSW Website Part 7 by Lesa Moore * Prominences in Solar Cycle 25 by Harry Roberts * Learning Astroimaging Part 10b by Kym Haines * DIY Spectrometer by Serge Wadhwa * Mars 36 (an atlas) by Henrik Hargitai * Constellation of the Month: Vela (3,874.2 Kb)
Universe Feb 2021 Vol 70 #02: Publication date : 01 February 2021
* Cover images by David Samuel and Joe Cauchi * The February Observer by Geoff Smith * Comets for February by Greg Bryant * AAVSO Observer Award—by Chris Douglass * Solar Cycle 25: “Beginnings” by Harry Roberts * Wiruna Constructions: Images by Lesa Moore, text by Chris Douglass * Learning Astroimaging Part 10a - Matching a Camera to a Telescope by Kym Haines * Unmissable Events for 2021 by Adriano Massatani * Observing feature: The February Milky Way (3,115.1 Kb)
Universe Dec 2020/Jan 2021 Vol 69 #12/Vol 70 #1
* Covers - vdB 123 Rodney Watters, M42 & M43 David Hough * Vale Judy Cauchi by Chris Douglass * The New Year Observer by Geoff Smith * Comets by Greg Bryant * Arecibo - Uncontrolled Demolition * Homunculus by Harry Roberts * Firewood - Warren Neal, Mark Notary * Flora and Fauna of Wiruna * Learning Astroimaging - Part 9 by Kym Haines * Sifton Bush - by Rita Holland * iOptron CEM 70 Mount Review - Part 2 by Warren Neal * Crago Repaint by Jacob Grossbard * Observing: Hidden Treasures (4,742.6 Kb)
Universe Nov 2020 Vol 69 #11: Publication date : 01 November 2020
* Covers - Andromeda Galaxy, David Samuel and Helix Nebula, Richard Jaworski * The November Observer by Geoff Smith * Vale Judy Cauchi by Ken & Lesley Wallace * November Comets by Greg Bryant * Backyard Astrophysics by Serge Wadhwa * Learning Astroimaging - Part 8 by Kym Haines * iOptron CEM 70 Mount Review - Part 1 by Warren Neal * Mars 2020 by Harry Roberts and Niall MacNeill * More Mars by Richard Jaworski * Observing feature: Caldwell Objects 0h-6h (3,043.5 Kb)
Universe Oct 2020 Vol 69 #10: Publication date : 01 October 2020
* Covers: M42, David Hough & Barnard 84, Joe Cauchi * The October Observer by Geoff Smith * Comets by Greg Bryant * Nu Carinae by Harry Roberts * Analemma by Jacob Grossbard * Solar Imaging by Ian Kemp * Learning Astroimaging - Part 7b by Kym Haines * Greg Priestley’s APOD * Mirrors, Mirrors - Glynis Notary, Lesa Moore * My God it’s full of Galaxies by Dave Manning * Quo Vadis - 2021 Southern Lights Flight * Mars - A Close Approach by Chris Douglass * Observing feature: Southern Gems (3,769.5 Kb)
Universe Sep 2020 Vol 69 #09: Publication date : 01 September 2020
* Covers: NEOWISE, Chi Chan and NGC 6752, Rodney Watters * The September Observer by Geoff Smith * Annual Reports * Learning Astroimaging Part 7a by Kym Haines * Mirror, Mirror … Gone! * The “Big” 4 by Niall MacNeill * Website of Pierre Toscani by Jacob Grossbard * Vale John Davies by John Flavin * A Wet Wiruna Weekend by Lesa Moore * Snow at Wiruna by Greg Priestley * Comets by Greg Bryant * NGC 6397: Globular Surprise by Harry Roberts * Observing feature: Caldwell Objects 18h-24h (3,510.2 Kb)
Universe Aug 2020 Vol 69 #8: Publication date : 01 August 2020
* Cover: Lobster Nebula by Ian Parr * The August Observer by Geoff Smith * Eta Carinae by Harry Roberts * Comets by Greg Bryant * Learning Astroimaging Part 6 by Kym Haines * The Analemma & Equation of Time by Jacob Grossbard * Know your ASNSW Website — Part 4 by Lesa Moore * NGC 4372 by Harry Roberts * Imaging of Extra-solar Planets by the ESO * Comino’s Comment * Images: Comet Neowise, Greg Priestley & Jupiter and Ganymede, Richard Jaworski * Observing Feature: Who Ordered These? (3,049.8 Kb)
Universe Jul 2020 Vol 69 #07: Publication date : 01 July 2020
* Cover images by Greg Priestley * The July Observer by Geoff Smith * How fast do you need to Spin Your Space Station? by Lesa Moore * The First Flares of Solar Cycle 25 by Harry Roberts * Learning Astroimaging Part 5 by Kym Haines * Planet 9 - Mystery or History? by Anwesha Sahu * Comino’s Comment * July Comets by Greg Bryant * Know your ASNSW Website Part 3 by Lesa Moore * The Moon - Images by David Hough *Observing Feature: A Great North Walk (3,391.7 Kb)
Universe Jun 2020 Vol 69 #06: Publication date : 01 June 2020
* Cover image: Comet Swan by David Hough * The June Observer by Geoff Smith * NGC 6193 and NGC 6188 by Harry Roberts * Learning Astroimaging — Part 4: Stacking by Kym Haines * Mirror recoating and BINTEL discount offer for ASNSW members * Comet Swan: Images by Ross Mitchell * June Comets by Greg Bryant * Comino’s Coronavirus Comment * Know your ASNSW Website Part 2 by Lesa Moore * Memorial Plaques for Wiruna * Constellations of the month: Ophiuchus, Serpens (2,988.0 Kb)
Universe May 2020 Vol 69 #05: Publication date : 01 May 2020
* Cover image by Rodney Watters * The May Observer by Geoff Smith * Learning Astroimaging — Part 3: DSLR plus Telescope by Kym Haines * NGC 2017: “MULTISTAR” by Harry Roberts * May Comets by Greg Bryant * A Grateful Thankyou * Know your ASNSW website Part 1 by Lesa Moore * We are all Stardust by Jacob Grossbard * Dark Sky Traveller—Fred Watson Podcasts * For Sale * Errata from April issue * Constellations of the month: Virgo, Coma Berenices (2,597.6 Kb)
Universe Apr 2020 Vol 69 #04: Publication date : 01 April 2020
* Cover image IC 2631 by Geoff Smith * Letter from Barb Murray * The April Observer by Geoff Smith * Learning Astroimaging Part 2: More with a Tripod by Kym Haines * April Comets by Greg Bryant * For Sale - Astroimaging package deal * Beta Crucis & Friends by Harry Roberts * 2020 SPSP cancelled * NACAA cancelled * Full run-down of cancellations * Constellation of the month: Crux (2,952.1 Kb)
UNIVERSE Mar 2020 Vol 69 #03: Publication date : 01 March 2020
* Cover: Richard Jaworski’s Crago Observatory * The March Observer by Geoff Smith * March Comets by Greg Bryant * Trevor has done it again! * Learning Astroimaging — Part 1 by Kym Haines * Valete Col Draper and Phillip Langley, * Shivers Down Your Spine by Jacob Grossbard * Warming at Wiruna * Constellation feature: Roaming down the Milky Way - Puppis, Vela, Pyxis, Carina, Crux, Musca, Centaurus (3,966.9 Kb)
Universe Feb 2020 Vol 69 #02: Publication date : 01 February 2020
* The February Observer by Geoff Smith * A Happy Coincidence by Geoff Smith * Fire Storms - Images by Paul Hatchman, Lesa Moore * Heroes—Drawing by Alex Comino * February Comets by Greg Bryant * Kodak and the CCD by Kym Haines * SPSP T-shirt design competition DEADLINE EXTENDED * Zooniverse Star Notes * Summer Doubles by Harry Roberts * New Solar Telescope by the National Science Foundation * Cosmic Chronicles - a Review by Jacob Grossbard * Observing Feature: South (2,456.1 Kb)

Vol 68 #12 December 2019/Vol 69 #1 January 2020

* Desk Space and the bushfires
* Fabulous cover images by Geoff Smith and Greg Priestley
* The New Year Observer by Geoff Smith
* ASNSW Outreach by Jacob Grossbard, ASNSW Library Shots
* New Year Comets by Greg Bryant
* Reading and Viewing Guide by Chris Douglass
* Transits of Mercury (courtesy Rob Lucas and Amol Mane)
* Citizen Science by Peter Reito and Ann Zabludoff
* 100 Years of the IAU by Cathryn Trott, President of the ASA
* LMC — a Mud Map part 2 by Harry Roberts
* IAU Statement on Satellite Constellations
* Apollo Landing Sites by Kym Haines
* Society Happenings: Yearbooks, NACAA, Call for Universe Articles
* Blast from the Past, SPSP T-Shirt Competition
* Member News - Renew for 2020!!

Constellation of the month: The Long Winding Road (Eridanus, Orion, Canis Major, Canis Minor, Lepus)


Vol 68 #11 November 2019

* Desk Space by Lesa Moore, Christmas at Crago, next deadline
* The November Observer by Geoff Smith, with “Birds in the Sky”
* Well Wishes from Wiruna by Lesa Moore
* Variable Views by Serge Wadhwa - UW Cen, RY Sgr
* Death of a Hero by Chris Douglass
* Solar Cycle 24 Differences by Richard Jaworski
* Astronomy 2020 available now, Call for Articles, NACAA Update
* November Comets by Greg Bryant
* New Books submitted by Alan Turner and Chris Douglass
* Eclipse Totality Spectrum by Rob Lucas
* Directions, Meetings, Observing Sessions
* Member News and SPSP T-shirt Design Competition for 2020

Cover photo of aurora by Mel Davis

Constellation of the month: All the Birds (Columba, Cygnus, Grus, Pavo, Tucana, Apus, Aquila, Corvus and Phoenix)


Vol 68 #10 October 2019

* Messages about fire safety, the calendar, renewing and yearbooks, Crago Christmas BBQ and outreach events
* The October Observer by Geoff Smith
* Smythii and Jenkins by Harry Roberts
* Comino’s No Comment
* Wiruna Happenings
* October Comets by Greg Bryant

Cover photo by Fred Vanderhaven

Constellation of the month: 0h Meridian (through Octans, Tucana, Phoenix, Sculptor, Cetus, Pisces, Pegasus, Andromeda, Cassiopeia)


Vol 68 #9 September 2019
* Cover images of Saturn Occultation by Marc Aragnou
* The September Observer by Geoff Smith
* Variable Views: UW Cen and S Apodis by Serge Wadhwa
* Naked Eye Observation of a Lunar Occultation of Saturn by Steve Mencinsky
* Saturn Occultation images by Ben Johnston
* Comino’s Comment by Alex Comino
* For Sale: SkyWatcher Esprit 80mm telescope
* La Serena — The Great Chilean Eclipse Expedition by Gerard Keyzer
* September Comets: C/2018 W2 Africano by Greg Bryant
* M17: Celestial Swan by Harry Roberts

Constellation of the month: Capricornus


Vol 68 #8 August 2019

* Partial Lunar Eclipse by Richard Jaworski on the cover
* The LMC: A “Mud Map” by Harry Roberts
* The August Observer by Geoff Smith
* Bugs!
* Variable Views: UW Cen by Serge Wadhwa
* An Anthology of Visual Double Stars: a book by Andrew James
* Free Telescope!
* Apollo Remembered
* Sydney Sundials: Part 2 (UNSW) by Jacob Grossbard 
* Wiruna’s Designated Observatory Status
* August Comets by Greg Bryant
* Final AGM Reminder and List of Nominations  
* Events and Outreach - UNSW at Leura 11 August, Scouts at Wiruna 31 August (note change of date)

Constellation of the month: Sagittarius


Vol 68 #7 July 2019

* Eta Carinae by Peter Rejto on the cover
* Apollo stuff
* The July Observer by Geoff Smith
* A Portable EQ Mount by Peter Osman
* Salvoes of Surges by Harry Roberts
* Some Sydney Sundials by Jacob Grossbard
* The Fault in the Standard Model’s Stars by Anwesha Sahu
* July Comets by Greg Bryant
* AGM Reminder
* Events and Outreach: Apollo 11 screening, Remembering Apollo at Epping, Scouts at Wiruna, MQ events, outreach at Leura
* NACAA (Parkes 2020) preliminary program and something for the astroimagers

Constellation of the month: Scorpius


Vol 68 #6 June 2019

* The June Observer by Geoff Smith
* Librarian’s Request by Michelle Elliot
* Apollo 11 to Stem: The Next Giant Leap - Western Sydney University
* SPSP Astroimaging Competition Winners
* SPSP Fun - Images by Lesa Moore
* Variable Views - EV Carinae - by Serge Wadhwa
* SPSP Innovations
* SPSP Night Images by Adriano Massatani
* June Comets by Greg Bryant
* Notice of AGM and Committee Position Nomination Form
* The Final Word - courtesy Adriano Massatani

Constellation of the month: Libra


Vol 68 #5 May 2019

* The May Observer by Geoff Smith
* South Pacific Star Party Observing List compiled by Geoff Smith [updated]
* A Southern Challenge: NGC 3195 by Harry Roberts
* Variable Views (R and S Carinae) by Serge Wadhwa
* May Comets by Greg Bryant
* 12" OTA For Sale
* The Kraken Sees Double by Lesa Moore
* SPSP Astroimaging Competition
* Pitcairn Islands - The world’s newest Dark Sky Sanctuary
* The Final Word - The Milky Way's Black Hole

Constellation of the month: Virgo


Vol 68 #4 April 2019

* The April Observer by Geoff Smith
* South Pacific Star Party Observing List by Geoff Smith
* March Open Night report by Greg Neilson
* Sirius at its widest by Harry Roberts
* Variable Views by Serge Wadhwa - R Reticuli
* SPSP Working Bee - help please!
* Wiruna Water (tank repair)
* April Comets by Greg Bryant
* Nightfall online journal
* Scouts visit to Crago in April - help please!
* David Malin Awards for astrophotography - enter now
* International Astronomy Youth Camp
* NACAA 2020
* 2019 Meeting Schedule, Member News
* The Final Word - Bennu

Constellation of the month: Leo


Vol 68 #3 March 2019

* Cover photo by Joe Cauchi
* The March Observer by Geoff Smith
* Wiruna Wildlife by Greg Priestley
* We Got One!!!
* March Comets by Greg Bryant
* Comino’s Comment
* Wrangling a Ghost by Harry Roberts
* Telescopes For Sale
* The ASNSW’s 27th Annual South Pacific Star Party
* The Final Word

Constellation of the month: Cancer


Vol 68 #2 February 2019

* Cover photo - Comet Wirtanen by Ross Giakoumatos
* The February Observer by Geoff Smith
* RFS Water Tank and Cleaning Up - Chris Douglass/Lesa Moore
* Ephemera Quartet - Space Music [on THIS SATURDAY - book now]
* Corsali’s Southern Cross by Jacob Grossbard
* February Comets by Greg Bryant
* Comino’s Comment
* SC24 Solar Minimum by Harry Roberts
* Rekindling of a Passion by Serge Wadhwa
* Technical Officer Position
* Sub-Editor’s Pic of the Month - Ultima Thule

Constellation of the month: Gemini


Vol 67 #12 December 2018/Vol 68 #1 January 2019

* Cover photo - Christmas at Crago by Lesa Moore
* The New Year Observer by Geoff Smith
* For Sale - assorted telescopes and accessories at bargain prices
* A “New Observation” of the Crab Nebula in 2019 by Steve Mencinsky
* Something Old, Something New - Crater Maury by Harry Roberts
* Christmas at Crago - More images by Lesa Moore
* New Year Comets by Greg Bryant
* Trevor Barry stars on “60 Minutes”
* Pitcairn Islands Solar Eclipse Tour
* Comino’s Comment, Bintel Discount Offer
* Event Horizon - Meetings and Observing Sessions, Star Parties, 100 Hours of Astronomy
* Member News - congratulations to our newest honorary member
* Astronomy 2019 Australia - the yearbook is now available - order with your membership renewal.

Constellations of the month: Aries and Taurus


Vol 67 #11 November 2018

* The November Observer by Geoff Smith
* Vale - Kevin Cooper
* IAU - 100 Hours of Astronomy
* Parker Solar Probe - Breaking Records
* “Hastronomers” by Alex Rosser (Part 2)
* Gassendi: Mood States by Harry Roberts
* November Comets by Greg Bryant
* Comino’s Comment
* Black Star - A Tribute
* Lesa’s Lost Property
* Bintel Discount Offer
* Event Horizon - the usual stuff, but please remember to book for the Christmas BBQ!!
* Astronomy 2019 Australia - the yearbook is now available - order with your membership renewal.

Cover photo by Mitch Simpson

Constellation of the month: Pisces


Vol 67 #10 October 2018

* Cover photo by David Hough
* The October Observer by Geoff Smith
* Burn—The Wiruna Burn-Off by Chris Douglass
* Eclipsing the World by Rob Lucas
* October Comets by Greg Bryant
* “Hastronomers” by Alex Rosser (Part 1)
* Yearly Reports from the AGM
* Event Horizon - Meetings and Observing Sessions, Star Parties
* Book now for Christmas at Crago!

Constellation of the month: Aquarius


Vol 67 #9 September 2018

* Cover photo by Cathi Humphrey-Hood
* Weird Cloud in the West by Lesa Moore
* The September Observer by Geoff Smith
* Astroimages by David Hough
* Torricelli and the “ray” by Harry Roberts
* Comets for September by Greg Bryant
* Firsts by Lesa Moore
* Comino’s Comment
* A Swing of Time by Anwesha Sahu
* Exoplanet could be Earth’s Twin by Ben Lewis
* Outreach—Tara and Lisarow High Schools
* Events including Skepticon 2018, Wiruna Equinox Dinner


Vol 67 #8 August 2018

* Fighting Dragons by Rodney Watters
* Help Wanted - Webteam!
* AR12715 by Harry Roberts
* The August Observer by Geoff Smith
* Physics in the Pub
* Discount offer from BinTel
* A Darling Theory by Anwesha Sahu
* ‘Big Bang’ - a cartoon by Greg Johnston
* Comets for August by Greg Bryant
* A close-up View of Mars by Jane Houston Jones and Jessica Stoller-Conrad
* New Mars Camera at Wiruna - a cartoon by Alex Comino
* Annual General Meeting Notice and Final Call for Nominations for Committee Positions
* Eclipse News - Partial Solar Report by Rob Lucas, Total Lunar on the Horizon
* Central Coast School Night in August
* Wiruna Abandoned Property to be claimed


Vol 67 #7 July 2018

* e-Light-Pollution-Photo-Exhibition at IAU General Assembly (deadline 31 July 2018)
* The July Observer by Geoff Smith
* Astroimaging Competition Winners - Open Section - Peter Patonai, Niall MacNeill, Greg Priestley
* Astroimaging Competition Winners - Deep Sky Section - Dean Carr, Fred Vanderhaven, Rodney Watters
* Scenes from the 2018 SPSP by Lesa Moore
* A View of the SPSP by Kym Haines
* FOR SALE - 18" f/5 mirror
* July’s Comets by Greg Bryant
* Event Horizon: Sydney Uni Astrofest, Byron Bay Star Stuff, Great Debate, MQ Opposition of Mars and many more events!
* Star Party Feedback
* Appointment (Don Whiteman) and Vacancies (President, ordinary committee member and Technical Officer)

Constellation of the Month: Scorpius


Vol 67 #5 May/#6 June 2018

* Star Party Update
* Committee Changes: Call for Volunteers to fill casual vacancies
* May-June Observing List by Geoff Smith
* Beginning Astrophotography Updates by Geoff Smith and Lesa Moore
* Comets in May-June by Greg Bryant
* Stepping Out from the Star Party by Jacob Grossbard
* South Pacific Star Party Astroimaging Competition
* Sinuous Rilles: A Visit to Rima Hadley by Harry Roberts
* Fight Obtrusive Light - comment on proposed new standard
* Scaling the Heights: Tycho by Harry Roberts
* One or More? by Anwesha Sahu
* Event Horizon: ASNSW Meetings and Observing Sessions, Star Parties
* Member News: Memberships, welcome to new members, anniversaries, “Sections” Review


Vol 67 #4 April 2018

* Cover photo: SH2 - 302 (Gum 6) by Joe Cauchi
* Planetary Perspectives NGC 5189 and NGC 3699 by Harry Roberts
* "Three Talks" by Andrew James - file available online
* The April Observer by Geoff Smith
* Wide-Field Astrophotography for Beginners - files available online
* Comets for April by Greg Bryant
* The Anti-Wiruna Mechanism by Alex Comino
* Future of the Powerhouse Museum in Ultimo by Jacob Grossbard
* Students Send Balloon into Stratosphere by Catherine Davis
* Events: Ephemera Trio, Ben Lomond Telescope Muster, star parties, MQ open night 19th May
* Talks on the Central Coast by Head Astronomer at the Vatican Observatory
* President’s Update

Constellation of the month: Musca


Vol 67 #3 March 2018

* Cover photo - Partial Solar Eclipse Montage by Rob Lucas
* Total Lunar Eclipse Montage by Rob Lucas
* The March Observer by Geoff Smith
* Comets in March by Greg Bryant
* Astroimages from Macquarie - Report by Lesa Moore, images by Adam Joyce
* The Glass Universe - Book by Dava Sobel, review by Jacob Grossbard
* Murrell 1: A Planetary Tale by Lesa Moore
* The South Pacific Star Party, 10 - 13 May - Book now!
* Events - NACAA, Star Parties (near and far), Macquarie University Open Night 19th May


Vol 67 #2 February 2018

* Cover photo - Sprite by Greg Priestley
* Volunteer Required for inviting Guest Speakers - Position Vacant: ASNSW Technical Officer
* The February Observer by Geoff Smith, Observations Officer
* A Cautionary Tale by Jacob Grossbard
* FOR SALE: Celestron Starsense Autoalign Camera - $450
* How a love of sailing helped Einstein explain the universe by Michael Troy
* E=mc2 cartoon by Alex Comino
* Total Lunar Eclipse: 31 January 2018 by Lesa Moore
* Wiruna’s Weird Weather - Reports and images from Greg Priestley and Rozainah Kendrew
* An Interesting Cosmology Edition - Review from Jeff Thompson

Constellation of the month: Canis Major


Vol 66 #12 December 2017/Vol 67 #1 January 2018

* Cover photo and scattered throughout - Scenes from the ASNSW Christmas Party
* The December/January Observer by Geoff Smith
* Mick and Don - Cartoon by Alex Comino
* The LMC “Blue Filaments”: First Impressions by Harry Roberts
* The Trifid Nebula, M20, NGC 6514 by Harry Roberts
* From the Window - Photos by Anwesha Sahu
* Pristine Proclus by Harry Roberts
* Spaced Out! Outreach activities in:
    Goulburn (by Gerard Keyzer)
    Booragul and
    Tanzania (by Anwesha Sahu)
* The Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám by Jacob Grossbard
* New Mirror-Coating Technology’s Dramatic Telescope Improvements by Tim Stephens
* New Element Discovered - Submitted by Alex Comino

Constellation of the month: Summer targets in order of RA


Vol 66 #11 November 2017

* Cover photo - 47 Tuc by Rodney Watters
* Nobel Prize in Physics for Gravitational Wave Detection
* Request for speakers for Turrumurra House Nursing Home
* Landing on the Sun (submitted by Alex Comino)
* Reminders to contributors about Copyright and Referencing
* The November Observer by Geoff Smith
* Our Great American Eclipse Trip by Gerard Keyzer
* Alice in Quantum Computerland by Anwesha Sahu
* FOR SALE: Aluminising Machine
* AR12673, 12674 “En Saga” by Harry Roberts
* Meetings, Observing Sessions
* ASNSW Christmas Party - BOOK NOW!
* Events for 2018: Book launch in Feb, NACAA in Mar/Apr, SPSP in May
* NACAA call for presentations
* President’s Reflections

Contellation of the month: Triangulum


Vol 66 #10 October 2017

* Cover photo - TSE by Richard Jaworski
* Report from the President by Neville Lupton
* Report from VP Wiruna by Joe Cauchi
* Report from VP Crago by Paul Hatchman
* Report from the Treasurer by Lesa Moore
* Sun and plane image by Richard Jaworski
* The October Observer by Geoff Smith
* Total Solar Eclipse with Regulus by Richard Jaworski
* Vale Shirley Rae by Lesa Moore
* Report from Queensland Astrofest by Marc Aragnou
* NASA Space Place - Cassini Says Goodbye by Teagan Wall
* A Weekend at Wiruna by Merilyn Mathews (reproduced from 1988)
* Event Horizon: Note that OzSky Star Safari is running in October
* Member News: Memberships, welcome to new members, anniversaries
* UNIVERSE readership survey

Contellation of the month: Phoenix


Vol 66 #9 September 2017

* Cover photo by Rodney Watters: Great Wall of Ara
* News from Correspondents: Pieces about Jeff Kanipe, and from Geoff Smith and Andrew James
* The September Observer by Geoff Smith
* NACAA Call for Presentations
* AR12665: “Unlikely Hero!” by Harry Roberts
* From Afar: 1976 & 2017 Solar Eclipses by Andrew James
* Memberships, Events and AGM Summary

Contellation of the month: Capricornus


Vol 66 #8 August 2017

* The August Observer by Geoff Smith
* Fire Training at Wiruna - Photos by Greg Priestley
* Double Delights: Nu and Xi Scorpii by Harry Roberts
* Australia-ESO Partnership News supplied by Andrew James
* The colour’d image of the Sun supplied by Jacob Grossbard
* Space Weather Users Workshop supplied by Chris Douglass
* Wonders of the Moon - Pics/time lapse wanted
* Born of Curiosity by Anwesha Sahu
* Public Lecture - Katie Mack at MQ in W5A T2, 3 Aug 12-1pm
* AAO Astronomy in Centennial Park 11 Aug (bring your telescope please!)
* Educational Resources - I2AO, Free text book, Online article on Stars
* SASPAC (Sutherland Astro Soc Practical Astronomy Course) starts 30 Aug
* Citizen Science Opportunities - SETI@home, Zooniverse
* AGM Notice 1 Sept and nominations received so far
* Committee Nomination Form due 8pm 4th August

Contellation of the month: Sagittarius


Vol 66 #7 July 2017

* Scenes from the 25th Annual South Pacific Star Party by Lesa Moore
* Up the Blues, photo by Lucas Comino
* Telescope and eyepieces for Sale
* Team Occultation Needs You! and a bit about Dave Gault
* Wiruna 500BC by Alex Comino
* Astroimaing Competition prize-winning images
* The July Observer by Geoff Smith
* Looking Skyward, photo by Kym Haines
* New event listing: AAO Astronomy Evening in Centennial Park: Friday 11th August 2017
* Official Notice - ASNSW AGM - Friday 1st September
* Committee Nomination Form due 8pm 4th August

Contellation of the month: Lyra


Vol 66 #6 June 2017

* Direct Detection of Gravitational Waves by Arthur Panos
* The June Observer by Geoff Smith
* The Physics of Rainbows by Lesa Moore, photos by Greg Priestley
* FOR SALE NOTICES - two telescopes and a CCD camera
* Vale Louise Green
* Wiruna Weather Tools
* The Grand, Gloomy Speckles: Asteroids by Anwesha Sahu
* Stellar Spectra in Scorpius by Rob Lucas
* Happy Snapping the Moon by Alex and Lucas Comino
* New events listing: Central West Astrofest 15 - 16 July 2017 - Parkes, NSW

Contellation of the month: Triangulum Australe


Vol 66 #5 May 2017

* SPSP Observing List by Geoff Smith
* Centaurus A (NGC 5128) by Arthur Panos
* Three Accidents You Won't Regret by Anwesha Sahu
* The Icarian Schoolboy who watched the Night Skies for NASA submitted by Alex Comino
* Event Horizon: ASNSW Meetings and Observing Sessions, Star Parties
* Member News, 14" Dob FOR SALE
* 2017 events - Macquarie Open Night, heads-up for NACAA 2018 and IAU 100th Anniversary in 2019


Vol 66 #4 Aprill 2017

* New kids' creativity competition for the star party
* The new Wiruna fireplace (photo by Trevor Oates)
* Annular Solar Eclipse by Rob Lucas, Helen Robinson and Chris Douglass
* The April Observer by Geoff Smith
* Wiruna then ... (photos by Julian Oey)
* ... and now (photos by Lesa Moore)
* Wiruna Maintenance  (photos by Lesa Moore)
* “Rille-Land” revisited: Rimae Triesnecker by Harry Roberts
* The Kuiper Belt by Arthur Panos
* Event Horizon: ASNSW Meetings and Observing Sessions
* April Working Bee at Wiruna
* 2017 events - includes a new star party in April

Constellation of the Month: Chamaeleon


Vol 66 #3 March 2017

* Desk Space: Change is in the Air! - the SPSP 2017, AI comp coordinator needed, Universe format, committee shuffle, Education Officer and Librarian positions up for grabs … by Lesa Moore
* 30 Doradus Nebula: Going Deeper! by Harry Roberts
* Two by Two Part 1 - images of the Tarantula Nebula by Kym Haines and Geoff Smith
* Two by Two Part 2 - images of the Orion Nebula by Marc Aragnou and Kevin Cooper
* The March Observer by Geoff Smith
* Position Vacant in Leura
* Honouring a Great Scientist: Professor Penny Sackett by Jacob Grossbard
* Event Horizon: ASNSW Meetings and Observing Sessions
* 2017 events - OzSky Star Safari, MQ Open Night, SPSP, Sydney Astrofest, Qld Astrofest, VicSouth Desert Spring Star Party

Constellation of the Month: Antlia


Vol 66 #2 February 2017

* Happy New Year from Tanzania!
* Telescope for the Kids on Woleai Atoll by Cathi Humphrey-Hood
* Book Review by Anwesha Sahu - Einstein’s Dice and Schrödinger’s Cat
* The Sun Spot - 2016 December: “Here be Dragons” by Harry Roberts
* For Sale: Custom-made refractor and 6” SCT
* The February Observer by Geoff Smith
* News from Trevor Barry, Broken Hill Observatory
* 2017 events - OzSky Star Safari, MQ Open Night, SPSP, Sydney Astrofest, Qld Astrofest, VicSouth Desert Spring Star Party

Constellation of the Month: Pyxis


Vol 65 #12 December 2016/Vol 66 #1 January 2017

* The Great American Eclipse - A Primer by Chris Douglass
* The December/January Observer by Geoff Smith
* Save the Date - Sydney Astrofest 1 July 2017
* Space Night in Tanzania by Anwesha Sahu
* LMC: Nebula N11 by Harry Roberts
* Let the Standing Stones Rise Once Again by Russ Erganbright
* Total Solar Eclipse Tour with SpaceTime Travellers
* Renewals due 31st December 2016 - Astronomy 2017 Yearbooks available NOW
* Only three spaces left at the Christmas Party, 3rd December!

Constellations of the Month: Mensa and Lepus


Vol 65 #11 November 2016

* Congratulations to our New Life Member - Richard Jaworski
* The November Observer by Geoff Smith
* NGC 55 by Harry Roberts
* Remote Sensing - A Mortal Masterpiece by Anwesha Sahu
* Book Review: Please Mr Einstein by Anwesha Sahu
* Colour Codes from the Stars: Part 3 - Basic Equipment by Sky C Murphy & the Southskyscience Team
* Two Telescopes FOR FREE plus some bargain-priced tube rings
* Christie's Auction of the Scientific Library of Giancarlo Beltrame by Jacob Grossbard
* The ASNSW Christmas Party, Saturday 3rd December 2016 - Book now!
* An exhibition all about Gravity
* Wanted: a new ASNSW Librarian, and a speaker for an aged care facility
* Renewals due 31st December 2016 - Astronomy 2017 Yearbooks available NOW

Constellation of the Month: Hydrus


Vol 65 #10 October 2016

* President’s Report from the AGM by Don Whiteman
* VP Crago Report from the AGM by Paul Hatchman
* The October Observer featuring Andromeda by Geoff Smith
* Harry Roberts Compendium: AR12585, Filament’s Journey, NGC 6397: Globular Surprise!, Vitello, Barnard 86: The ‘Ink Spot’, NGC 7009: the Saturn Nebula
* Two Telescopes FOR SALE
* The ASNSW Christmas Party, Saturday 3rd December 2016 - Book now!
* Renewals due 31st December 2016 - Astronomy 2017 Yearbooks available from mid-October

Constellation of the Month: Andromeda


Vol 65 #9 September 2016

* Brief news from the AGM and member news
* For Sale - Celestron C11 XLT OTA
* The September Observer featuring Aquarius by Geoff Smith
* VP Wiruna Report from the AGM by Joe Cauchi
* Treasurer’s Report from the AGM by Lesa Moore
* Editor’s Award and Constellation of the Month (new web page)
* Book Review: Six Easy Pieces by Anwesha Sahu
* Colour Codes from the Stars, Part 2 - Visible Colours
* Anaxagorus - Bright, Banded Craters by Harry Roberts
* Event Horizon: Richmond Jubilee and StarFest Coonabarabran/Siding Spring

Constellation of the Month: Aquarius


Vol 65 #8 August 2016

* Ships, Clocks and Stars Exhibition by Jacob Grossbard
* Total Eclipse 9th March 2016 from Woleai by Cathi Humphrey-Hood and Chris Douglass
* The August Observer by Geoff Smith including image of NGC 6744 in Pavo (constellation of the month)
* Finding an Exoplanet like Earth by William Tan
* Parade of Prominences (with cover image) and AR12565/67: The Odd Couple by Harry Roberts
* The Antikythera Mechanism Submitted by Alex Comino
* Book Review (Black Holes and Baby Universes and other essays) by Anwesha Sahu
* US Total Eclipse Tour 2017 with Melissa Hulbert
* Events - last reminder for Astrofest at Sydney Uni on 30th July!!
* Richmond Jubilee 16 September 2016
* AGM 19th August 2016 - PLEEEEEEEASE COME!!

Constellation of the month: Pavo


Vol 65 #7 July 2016

* Letter to the Editor by Anwesha Sahu
* Mystic Tours by Anwesha Sahu
* Book Review (The Elegant Universe) by Anwesha Sahu
* Lunar Sketchbook: Schiller by Harry Roberts
* NGC 5286 by Harry Roberts
* The July Observer by Geoff Smith
* Colour Codes from the Stars-Part 1 by the Team at Southskyscience
* Sydney Astrofest 30 July 2016
* Richmond Jubilee 16 September 2016
* ASNSW AGM 19 August 2016 (nominations close 15 July)
* Meetings and member news

Constellation of the month: Aquila


Vol 65 #6 June 2016

* SPSP photos by Chris Douglass and Lesa Moore
* Astroimaging Competition Winning Images
- Deep Sky Section: Mike Sidonio, Bruce Graham, Dean Carr, Geoff Smith
- Open Section: Greg Priestley, Brad le Brocque, Richard Jaworski
* The June Observer by Geoff Smith
* Free to good home - Dob mount
* The Meathook Galaxy by Harry Roberts
* AR12529 & 12542: A Tale of Two Sunspots by Harry Roberts
* Meetings, Events, Eclipse Tours
* Member news

Constellation of the month: Ara


Vol 65 #5 May 2016

* Cover photo NGC 2442 by Joe Cauchi
* Sirius Travel TSE Excursions update
* Aurora Tours
* David Malin Awards Astrophotography Competition
* John Tebbutt, Aussie Amateur by John Flavin
* Crater Tebbutt on the Moon by Harry Roberts
* Star-Gazing Tour at "SPACE" by Alan Turner
* SPSP 2016 Observing List by Geoff Smith
* Professional Astronomy Research Experience
* FOR SALE: 10" Dob with eyepieces & filters


Vol 65 #3/#4 March/April 2016

* Cover photo M42 by Marc Aragnou
* Sirius Travel TSE Excursions
* The March/April Observer by Geoff Smith
* Tau Canis Majoris and its Vivid Cluster by Harry Roberts
* Garlic Pizza by Greg Priestley
* SPSP T-shirt competition

Constellations of the month: Sextans, Crater


Vol 65 #2 February 2016

* A Quantum Thinking: Light from the Cosmos by Anwesha Sahu
* NGC 1532: ‘Woomera’ by Harry Roberts
* Mike Sidonio’s Galaxy Discovery in the News
* Solstice Dinner Photos by Greg Priestley
* NGC 2516: Southern “Fishers”? by Harry Roberts
* The February Observer by Geoff Smith
* Gaia-GOSA - online tool for asteroid observing
* NACAA, Sydney, March 2016
* NASA Space Apps Challenge
* Total Solar Eclipse Tours in the US, August 2017
* Netherlands Meteor Conference, June 2016
* ASNSW Meetings, Events
* SPSP May 2016
* Member News, link to ASNSW 2015 Christmas Party Photos

Constellation of the month: Vela


Vol 64 #12 December 2015 / Vol 65 #1 January 2016

* NACAA, Easter 2016
* Ephemera Trio Jazz Performance
* The December/January Observer by Geoff Smith
* The Sun Spot: “AR12443: The Delta Group that Didn’t” by Harry Roberts
* The Universe of Stephen Hawking by Michael McPhee
* Will Mars be our Second Home? by Anwesha Sahu
* Events and Member News

Constellations of the month: Columba, Gemini


Vol 64 #11 November 2015

* Fireballs at Wiruna by Greg Priestley
* The Celestial Mystery, a poem by Anwesha Sahu
* The November Observer by Geoff Smith
* The Sun Spot: AR12422: Complex Delta Group and Coronal Loops by Harry Roberts
* The Light Fantastic - Part 3 by Michael McPhee
* Canon EOS 30D camera and accessories for sale
* ASNSW 60th Anniversary Dinner - please book early

Constellation of the month: Pisces


Vol 64 #10 October 2015

* Rho Ophiuchi Region by Kevin Cooper
* Water on Mars
* The October Observer by Geoff Smith
* E.T.: Fact or Fiction? by Anwesha Sahu
* Svalbard Eclipse by Cathi Humphrey-Hood and Melissa Hulbert
* The Light Fantastic - Part 2 by Michael McPhee
* The ASNSW Christmas Party 21st November 6.30pm
* Supermoon Eclipse by Anwesha Sahu
* StarFest Coonabarabran
* James Webb Space Telescope - cool animation

Constellations of the month: Hydrus, Pegasus


Vol 64 #9 September 2015

* Wiruna Winter Wonderland photos on the cover
* Observation Report for September by Geoff Smith
* Reflections on the Passing of Harry Messel
* President’s Annual Report
* VP-Wiruna’s Annual Report
* Fenrir Nebula by Joe Cauchi
* Treasurer’s Annual Report
* Crago Update
* Society Awards 2015
* NGC 6752 by Bernie Bernard
* ASNSW Outreach at TARA (5 Sep) and Richmond Jubilee (19-20 Sep)
* Citizen Science Project Update
* WANTED: Mount/Tripod for 100mm scope
* FOR SALE: Complete Celestron Omni XLT127

Constellations of the month: Equuleus, Cetus


Vol 64 #7/8 July/August 2015

* Observation Report for August by Geoff Smith
* The Light Fantastic (Part 1) by Michael McPhee 
* March 20 Total Solar Eclipse by Steve Zantos
* Solar activity in March and June by Harry Roberts
* Museo Galileo by Lesa Moore
* Cover photo by Sunny Choi
* Aryabhata: A Mathematical Mastermind by Anwesha Sahu
* For Sale: Dob mount and 8" reflector tube

Constellations of the month: Apus and Pavo


Vol 64 #6 June 2015

* Stories, scenes and feedback from the 23rd Annual South Pacific Star Party by
    Cathi Humphrey-Hood
    Don Whiteman
    Greg Priestley
    Lesa Moore
    David Rolfe
    Richard Low
    Fred Vanderhaven
    Sunny Choi
    and others
* Astroimaging Competition Winners - Open
* Astroimaging Competition Winners - Deep Sky
* Central West Astrofest and David Malin Awards (entries close 31st May)
* I2A Introduction to Astronomy Course Part 2
* World Record Stargazing Attempt
* For Sale - Telescope, Accessories & Miscellany
* Member news


Vol 64 #4 April 2015

* A taster from the Svalbard eclipse from Cathi Humphrey-Hood
* Vale Andrew Hood
* Jacob Grossbard's museum exhibits and the Great Melbourne Telescope
* The Darren Jones Observatory by David Bevan
* Anwesha Sahu continues her story about Pathani Samanta
* Harry Roberts - Follow-up of the giant sunspot, AR12192
* Catch the BinTel sale or buy a SkyShed Pod
* Milroy Observatory, Coonabarabran
* South Pacific Star Party
* Events and Member News


Vol 64 #3 March 2015

* Wiruna Rainbow by Brett White
* Twin Peaks: Pythagoras by Harry Roberts
* Pathani Samanta: World’s Greatest Naked-Eye Astronomer by Anwesha Sahu
* IC 2531 by Geoff Smith
* Wiruna Sunset by Lesa Moore   
* “Superstars of Astronomy” Podcasts
* Barry Gerdes Lodge, images by Trevor Gerdes
* Celestial Kaleidoscope Exhibition
* The 23rd Annual South Pacific Star Party & T-Shirt Competition
* Events and Member News


Vol 64 #2 February 2015

* The Truth is Out There! by Alex Comino
* The Sun Spot: AR12192 - Giant’s Genesis by Harry Roberts
* Redshift Part II by Lesa Moore
* Outback Astronomy with Linda Nadge
* Comet Lovejoy images by Ian Parr, Chris Ross and Greg Priestley
* People and Faces at the Anniversary Dinner by Chris Douglass
* Galaxies NGC 908 and NGC 2835 by Geoff Smith
* I2A (Introduction to Astronomy) and International Astronomy Youth Camp 2015


Vol 63 #12 December 2014 / Vol 64 #1 January 2015
* Great images from Rob Pike, Marc Aragnou, Cathi Humphrey-Hood and Geoff Smith
* Harry Roberts: AR12192 Emergence and Flare
* Anwesha Sahu: The Tithi lunar calendar
* Fred Watson at our 60th Anniversary Dinner
* Andrew James' historic photos of the construction of Crago Observatory
* The Crago Christmas Barbecue
* Mt John Symposium, 2015 RASNZ Conference and TTSO9
* Dome 3 under construction at Sydney Observatory


Vol 63 #11 November 2014

* Total Lunar Eclipse by Mark Adams and David Hough
* The Sun Spot: “Dissecting” a Flare by Harry Roberts
* Redshift: Misconceptions and Reality by Lesa Moore
* Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring) and Mars by Ian Parr
* FOR SALE: Precision grinding/polishing machine
* Vale Barry Gerdes by Jeff Thompson
* StarFest 2014 by Alex Comino
* ASNSW 60th Anniversary Dinner - bookings close 30th October!!!
* I2A (Introduction to Astronomy) Course 2015
* ASNSW Christmas BBQ at Crago Observatory


Vol 63 #10 October 2014

* Solar Image by Rob Pike
* The Sun Spot: A Filament’s Progress and Finale by Harry Roberts
* Look-Back Time: Our 1962 Eclipse Expedition to Lae in New Guinea by John Flavin
* Europa: Jupiter’s Mystic Moon by Anwesha Sahu
* Spotlight: Ben Silva (Former Galileo Program Mission Controller, JPL) by Lesa Moore
* The Loss of Mars Observer, The Galileo Spacecraft
* ASNSW 60th Anniversary Dinner
* I2A (Introduction to Astronomy) Course 2015
* ASNSW Christmas BBQ at Crago Observatory
* Event Horizon includes total eclipse of the Moon on 8th October!
* Member News includes a bonus year for some members


Vol 63 #9 September 2014 

* Talk by Fred Watson at our 5 Sept meeting
* Teaching Opportunity in eastern suburbs
* President’s Annual Report by Don Whiteman
* The Hoba Meteorite by Paddy de Klerk
* VP-Wiruna’s Annual Report by Joe Cauchi
* The Sun Spot: AR12109 and AR12130 by Harry Roberts
* Treasurer’s Annual Report by Lesa Moore
* NASA’s Space Place: "GRACE" mission
* Ordinary and Astroimaging Meetings
* Star Parties
* David Malin Awards Prize Winners Exhibition
* Starfest at Coonabarabran
* ECC Annual General Meeting
* The Einstein Lecture at the Powerhouse, Ultimo
* Aboriginal Astronomy Forum at UWS, Parramatta South


Vol 63 #8 August 2014 

* Astronomical Anniversaries by Mike McPhee
* Johannes Kepler by Anwesha Sahu
* Hubble Space Telescope as Art by Jacob Grossbard
* AR12104: Shape Changer by Harry Roberts
* Kies Valley by Harry Roberts
* SpaceView network - for attention of observatory owners
* Einstein lecture at the Powerhouse Museum in September: “Pocket Astrophysics”
* Uluru Astronomy Weekend in August
* The David Malin Awards (congratulations to ASNSW finalists)
* Scale of the Universe (link)
* Membership reaches 400 and Committee Mutterings from the July meeting
* NASA Space Place - Sun’s heliosphere and Robo Puzzle
* Images - Joe Cauchi’s galaxies on the cover and Portrait of Crago Observatory by Carlos Orue.
* AGM reminder - 8th August 2014


Vol 63 #7 July 2014

Featuring: 22nd Annual South Pacific Star Party and AGM announcement
* Prize-winning photos in the Astroimaging competition
* President's report on the SPSP
* More SPSP pictures
* AGM announcement
* NASA Space Place: Venus
* Sunspot Elegance by Harry Roberts
* Vale Bill Bradfield
* ASNSW member news and overview of roles of ASNSW committee members and service officers


Vol 63 #6 June 2014

Highlights in this 50th Anniversary Edition are:
* Editorial - Making the Universe by Lesa Moore
* "Universe Turns Fifty" by Andrew James
* "Chromospheric Vistas" by Harry Roberts
* Part 2 of Arthur C. Clarke's predictions for the future
* Events: a talk by former astronaut Dr Gregory Chamitoff
* ASNSW new members and anniversaries


Vol 63 #5 May 2014

* Cover photo by Anwesha Sahu.
* John Flavin looks back on how school boys took part in observations at the Moon-watch fence in Belfield.
* Houghy captures some nice images of the Sun and Moon over the Easter weekend.
* Arthur C. Clarke's 1999 forecasts.
* NASA’s Space Place: The Power of the Sun’s Engines
* Events: the South Pacific Star Party, the Gemini Amateur Astronomy Contest, the David Malin awards, the Walter Stibbs Lecture at Sydney University and “Club Singularity” at Campbelltown Arts Centre.
* ASNSW member news


Vol 63 #4 April 2014

* Houghy’s images of the Sun and a lunar occultation of Saturn
* Fred Vanderhaven captures a Running Chicken
* Carlos Orue presents nice nightscapes
* Harry Roberts describes AR11990
* Cover image - Crux and Pointers - by Geoff Smith
* SPSP 22: Registrations and working bee - please help!
* NASA’s Space Place: GPS and the terrestrial reference frame
* Committee Mutterings
* ASNSW member news
* NACAA call for hosts


Vol 63 #3 March 2014

* David Hough's solar movie
* Houghy’s solar images
* Moretus-Newton crater complex by Harry Roberts
* Geoff Smith’s February AI meeting report
* Geoff’s image of Thor's Helmet
* Cover image by Mike Berthon-Jones and Trish Butrej
* Reminder about the Constitution Vote and the SGM on 14th March
* SPSP 22: Registrations are now open
* NASA’s Space Place: Iapetus
* Anwesha Sahu writes about Earth and Moon dynamics
* Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night
* ASNSW member news
* Reminder about NACAA


Vol 63 #2 February 2014

* Nova in Centaurus - David Hough
* 'Doghouse' observatory - David Hough
* The Sun (AR11916, AR11944) - Rob Pike, David Hough and Harry Roberts
* Crater Humboldt - Harry Roberts
* Images of the Moon - Anwesha Sahu
* NGC 1232 and November’s Astroimaging meeting - Geoff Smith
* Cover photo NGC 2035 - Fred Vanderhaven
* John Dobson dies at 98
* Postal vote, Special General Meeting
* I2A course, SPSP t-shirt competition


Vol 62 #12 December 2013 / Vol 63 #1 January 2014

* Report from Carlos (VP Crago) on Oct/Nov bushfires.
* Christmas Party photos.
* Special General Meeting: 14th March 2014.
* Harry Roberts: the Sun (AR11875, AR11890).
* Dave Gault: Double Lunar Graze event.
* Geoff Smith: NGC 1365, October Astroimaging Meeting.
* John Flavin: Alan Yates' obituary.
* John Davies: Letter to the Editor. 
* ASNSW Young Writer Awards: prize-winning entries.
* I2A Part 1 2014: 3 March to 7 April 2014.
* Design a t-shirt for next year’s star party.
* SASI: 2015 tour of US sites and Texas Star Party.
* Richard Jaworski steps down as Public Officer.


Vol 62 #11 November 2013

* Fabulous (gabanous?) cover image of M17 by Geoff Smith.
* Geoff reports on September Astroimaging meeting.
* Harry Roberts follows solar prominences in Sept and Oct and comments on the weakness of SC24.
* Proposed changes to the Constitution - Discussion notes and updates.
* ASNSW Christmas Party - Saturday 16th November - registrations open.
* November events: "The Future of Aerospace" (AIP, Sydney), 150th Anniversary of Melbourne Observatory.
* Lesa writes "Cruising through Astronomy".


Vol 62 #10 October 2013
* Visit to Royal Greenwich Observatory by Alan Turner
* Harry Roberts follows a solar prominence
* Young writer awards - entries being accepted NOW!
* Podcasts by Greg Priestley
* Hidden Universe 3D photos
* Book available - "Making Waves - The Story of Ruby Payne-Scott"
* Proposed changes to the Constitution - additions available on the website now, discussion meeting 18th October 2013
* ASNSW Christmas Party - Saturday 16th November - registrations opening soon


Vol 62 #9 September 2013

* New Moon at Crago by Ian Parr
* Professor Harry Messel by Jeff Thompson
* NACAA Bulletin
* Astroimaging Meetings by Greg Priestley
* Annual Reports and Awards from the AGM
* Proposed changes to the Constitution - discussion meeting 18th October 2013


Vol 62 #8 August 2013

* Astrobiology 2013 by Lesa Moore
* Grubb restoration by Roger Davis
* AR11785 and Flaring in SC24 by Harry Roberts
* Beginnings of Crago Observatory by John Flavin
* Saturn image by Kevin Cooper
* Stargazers weekend in Qld, Pocket spacecraft and Cosmic flows
* Meetings, star parties and committee mutterings
* AGM and committee positions
* I2A course part 2 running Aug-Sep
* Proposals for changes to the Constitution of the ASNSW now available


Vol 62 #7 July 2013
* Reports on the Annular Solar Eclipse of May 10 2013
* Solar observing reports from Harry, celestial images from Kevin Cooper, Trevor Gerdes and Sarah Olliffe
* Geoff Smith has written a book review on a volume that all fledgling astroimagers would find helpful
* Terry Clarke is selling some telescopes, accessories and magazines - a chance to pick up a bargain!
* Upcoming events - Introduction to Astronomy (I2A) course starting on 5th August and our AGM on 23rd August
* Member and committee news and an intriguing website to help you learn the constellations


Vol 62 #6 June 2013

This is a Star Party Special Edition:
· SPSP21 Review by Neville Lupton
· Letters of Appreciation by Gail Davies and David Sevier
· There Goes the International Space Station! by Lesa Moore
· A BIG Thanks by David Rolfe
· First Star Party 2013 by Rosemary Cutrone
· For Sale: Johnsonian V equatorial tracking platform
· A Compact 14" Truss Tube Dobsonian by David Coutts
· My lesson: don't trust GPS by Rozainah Kendrew
· Trish Wilkins writes ...
· Intro to Astronomy - I2A Registrations open
· NGC 6164/NGC 6165 by Geoff Smith
· Additional images by Greg Priestley, Alex Comino and Narayan Mukkavilli
and Event Horizon, Member News, Spectrum, Committee Mutterings


Vol 62 #5 May 2013
• Solar reports by Harry Roberts
• How to make an Artificial Star by Geoff Smith
• Look-Back Time (1960) from John Flavin
• NGC 3293: Gems or Jewels? by Andrew James
• Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night – 18th May
• Tours and International Youth Camp
• Committee mutterings
• SPSP registration deadline extended
• The ASNSW Young Writer Award - first announcement


Vol 62 #3 Mar 2013
• Lightning images
• Jupiter close approach to Moon images
• AR11654 – sunspot motion
• Crater Moretus
• The Hyades, Aldebaran, Ain, eps Tau b
• Gemini competition
• Parramatta Park – 29th April
• Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night – 18th May
• Tours and International Youth Camp
• AGM notice, President’s report and committee mutterings
• SPSP T-shirt design competition
• SPSP registrations open
• SPSP call for volunteers


Vol 62 #2 Feb 2013
• A 7-page feature called “Syzygy”, lunar and solar observations by Harry Roberts
• Lunt telescope and imaging system For Sale
• Images by Trevor Gerdes, Kevin Cooper & Geoff Smith
• A tantalising report on the Aurora Borealis from Rodney Watters
• John presents another historical extract
• You may like to check out a movie about how the Sun may influence human activity


Vol 61 #12 Dec 2012 / Vol 62 #1 Jan 2013
• Narrowband imaging
• Donna's observing tips for the summer
• Andrew James – NGC 7009 and NGC 7702
• Our president reviews a successful year
• Harry Roberts - AR11584 and AR11598
• First reports and images from the Total Solar Eclipse
• Prize-winning entries in the ASNSW Young Writer Awards
And reminders:
• Time to renew and order Astronomy 2013
• I2A registrations open.


Vol 61 #11 November 2012
• John Flavin delves into the past
• Donna Burton gives us observing tips for November
• Andrew James explores IC 4663
• Our president reviews recent society developments
• Harry Roberts examines a fast filament on the Sun
Coming events that are detailed include:
• the Total Solar Eclipse (and maps for iPad)
• the ASNSW Christmas Party
• time to renew your membership and order Astronomy 2013
• free lectures in Sydney by Professor Martin Rees and Professor Richard de Grijs
• Introduction to Astronomy (I2A) dates have been announced for next year
• and don’t forget the Gordon Patston Memorial Lecture


Vol 61 # 10 October 2012

  • Glorious and clever images by Wiruna visitor Tokuo Nakamoto (cover and p3).
  • Alan Turner’s visit to Mauna Kea and its observatories (p6).
  • Donna Burton’s observing info and the constellation Apus (p10).
  • Harry Roberts’ Ghost that Walks (p4)!!
  • Part 2 of NSP 33 from Andrew James (p8).
  • Full annual reports from the AGM.
  • Awards.
  • Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night is coming up.
  • There is an unusual exhibition in Paddington that brings together the very small (e.g. insects) and the very large (e.g. galaxies) in “Syzygy”. Sounds very intriguing (p18)!


Vol 61 #9 September 2012

  • Curiosity lands on Mars.
  • Scott Alder images another of Andrew James’s planetary nebulae and Andrew unravels some mysteries in Pavo.
  • Cover image by Mike Berthon-Jones - Barnard’s Galaxy.
  • Geoff Smith - planets to view this month.
  • Harry Roberts – AR11520, return of a giant.
  • Transit of Venus by Melvyn Davis.
  • John Flavin takes us back to the 1950s.
  • Save the date: Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night is on 20th October 2012.
  • Observatory in New Zealand for sale.
  • We also have the usual committee mutterings and anniversaries in our member news.
  • Also announcing: The ASNSW “Young Writer Award” competition is now open. Entry is open to members of SPOT (Space Odyssey Team) and ASNSW student members & family members. Deadline: 5pm, 12th October 2012.
  • Reminder – Our Annual General Meeting is on 31st August 2012. Please join us and stay for the official launch of the new website afterwards!

Constellation of the month: Corona Australis


Vol 61 #8 August 2012

  • Report from the Special General Meeting and Member Forum 
  • Official launch of new website to be held after the AGM on 31st August
  • Committee positions available at AGM
  • Recent solar activity AR11515
  • More on the Transit of Venus
  • IC 4406 in the “Neat Southern Planetaries” series
  • The sky for August
  • I2A Part 3 enrolling now – Optics, Physics of Space Travel, Relativity, Astrobiology (2 – 23 Aug)
  • Total Solar Eclipse imaging workshop 1st August
  • Committee mutterings from June

Constellation of the month: Scutum


Vol 61 #7 July 2012

  • The new website is nearing completion - very exciting!
  • Transit of Venus images and stories are included in this issue.
  • Harry Roberts logs sunspot groups in May, John Flavin takes a look at the style of meetings in 1959 and Geoff Smith tells of the skies for July.
  • Andrew James got a thrill when an amateur from Newcastle sent in a picture of a particularly challenging planetary nebula, Longmore 7, described in “NSP 30” (full story p13) and brings us yet another challenge, this time in Norma.
  • A reminder that the Special General Meeting and Member Forum is this Friday.
  • Finally, registrations for I2A Part 3 are now open.

Constellation of the month: Serpens


Vol 61 #6 June 2012
Important announcement about a Special General Meeting to approve the construction of an extension to the Bush Kitchen at Wiruna, to be followed by a Member Forum (page 17);
Transit of Venus event, more helpers would be nice (page 19);
Safely Observing the Transit of Venus (page 15);
SPSP wind-down (pages 10-11), beautiful cover image by Gail Davies and story by Paige Corrigan;
Contributions by Gerard Keyser (Palomar Mountain), Geoff Smith (Earth-Venus orbits) and Andrew James (Longmore 7 in Crux);
Member news: please take note that if you have not renewed by 30th June, you won’t receive further issues of Universe;
and a reminder that nominations for committee positions close on 29th June.
Fingers crossed for clear skies for the Transit on the 6th June!!!

Constellation of the month: Triangulum Australe


Vol 61 #5 May 2012
This issue brings you some exciting solar activity as well as the regular reports and an Obsession telescope for sale!
Also note:
* Change of date of ASNSW Christmas Party, moved to Saturday 24th November.
* The next issue of Universe will be a Star Party Special! Please send in any contributions/photos you wish to share.
* Introduction to Astronomy Course - I2A Part 2 – Registrations are now open.
* The 2012 AGM will be on Friday 31st August.
Please consider nominating yourself for a committee position. Find more details in the magazine...

Constellation of the month: Libra


Vol 61 #4 April 2012
This issue is coming out early because "Yours Truly" will be away till the end of March, but back in good time for the Star Party.
This issue has some Star Party details and a link to the registration page.
NACAA XXV is on in April as well. The deadline for registrations is 23rd March, so this is the last reminder!
There are two eclipse tours on offer in November - if you haven't booked yet, hurry up!
And a reminder that membership renewals are now due on the new website.
Forthcoming meeting news, great articles on stars, the Sun, the sky and planetary nebulae, membership anniversaries and more!!

Constellation of the month: Corvus


Vol 61 #3 March 2012
In this issue, in addition to some of the regular articles, we feature an article on astro-imaging by Joe Cauchi, and Harry Roberts finds us some Wolf-Rayet stars.
And a reminder that membership renewals are now due on the new website!

Constellation of the month: Cancer


Vol 61 #2 Feb 2012
In this issue, in addition to some of the regular articles, we feature members' images of Comet Lovejoy!
(File size is a bit larger than usual to preserve image quality.)
The other big news is the launch of the new ASNSW website. This is coming online in stages, starting with pages for membership renewals (due now) and registration for the Introduction to Astronomy (I2A) course, Part 1 (running for four weeks in Feb-Mar 2012).

Constellation of the month: Monoceros


Vol 60 #12 Dec 2011 / Vol 61 #1 Jan 2012
This issue, we have solar and lunar observations from Harry, winning entries in the "ASNSW Young Writer Award", 
John delves into the club's past links with Bart Bok, Geoff has the run-down of the sky for the coming months, Gerard continues his review of the life of E.E. Barnard and we present a complete NSP article from Andrew. There is also a Dob telescope for sale (a real bargain). 

Constellations of the month: Dorado and Puppis


Vol 60 #11 Nov 2011
This month's issue features solar and lunar observations from Harry, a book review by Mitch (Area 51!), an interview with Dr. Vikki Meadows (astronomer/astrobiologist), big prizes for Australian cosmologists (Stuart Wyithe and Brian Schmidt) and reminders about forthcoming events (Mt. Stromlo Open Day on 6th November, our SGM on 11th November and the Christmas Party on 3rd December) plus some more from our regular contributors.

Constellation of the month: Fornax


Vol 60 #10 Oct 2011
I hope you'll agree that this issue looks spectacular with the Milky Way mosaic from Marc Aragnou on the cover!
My eternal thanks to the regular contributors, this month joined by Richard Jaworski with a double-star challenge.
We celebrate the life of Cyril Brown with photos and obituary graciously provided by his family.
Dates for the diary: in particular, the Macquarie University Astronomy Open Night on 29th October (you get in free if you take a telescope to share views of the starry dome) and the Special General Meeting on 11th November.
All the details are in the magazine.

Constellation of the month: Sculptor


Vol 60 #9 Sep 2011
This issue is replete with solar observations, the low-down on the AGM and feature articles on E. E. Barnard and a neat southern planetary (NSP 22), as well as some of the regular fare.
If you're really keen to make astronomy your life's work, the announcement that Koolang Observatory (at Bucketty) is for sale might interest you.

Constellations of the month: Capricornus and Microscopium


Vol 60 #3 March 2011 
Vol 60 #4 April 2011
Vol 60 #5 May 2011

Featured constellations: Circinus, Lupus

Please note that there was no issue in June, July or August 2011


Vol 59 #12 Dec 2010
Vol 60 #1 Jan 2011
Vol 60 #2 Feb 2011

Featured constellations: Carina, Leo Minor, Caelum, Orion


Vol 59 #11 Nov 2010
Constellations of the month: Eridanus, Horologium


Vol 59 #10 Oct 2010


Vol 59 #8 Aug 2010
Vol 59 #9 Sep 2010

Featured constellations: Tucana, Indus


Vol 59 #5 May 2010
Vol 59 #6 Jun 2010
Vol 59 #7 Jul 2010

Featured constellations: Octans, Ophiuchus


Vol 59 #2 Feb 2010
Vol 59 #3 Mar 2010
Vol 59 #4 Apr 2010

Featured constellations: Antlia, Vela, Chamaeleon, Hydra, Coma Berenices, Centaurus